When did you arrive in Portugal ?

I arrived in Portugal in 2003

Tell us a bit about your childhood/teenage ?

Miraking was born in Angola/Luanda and part of my childhood was in Rangel ” Nelito Soares street C5 block 70 ” and I ended up emigrating to Portugal ” Quinta do Conde ” where I lived until I was 24 years old.

What influence does your family have on your taste for music?

Two of my uncles who have passed away are “TETA LANDO” and “TETA LÁGRIMAS” and without forgetting that I am also related to “GUTTO” my blood cousin, they are great public figures in my home country Angola.

How and why did you start making music?

My first songs were made in my old studio in my attic in Portugal, I started making music because I come from a family of artists.

When did you realize that Afro Beat is your thing ?

I ended up getting into afro beat after flowboyz broke up as a group and I pursued my solo career! This had the great support of my producer Dotorado pro who did the remix of one of my first tracks “Pemba”.

How did you meet DJ. Dotorado Pro and started working ?

I know dotorado pro through his brothers and close friends of mine! We started working together after we saw that together we made a very different and strong joint in music, after we released ” PEMBA ” it was heard, and danced to by dancers and played by DJ’s internationally !

You are the author of several hits like “Toca Dj”, “Pemba”, Paculamento ” and “Batukada”. How have these hits influenced your career ?

These hits influenced my career a lot, especially when one of the songs was used in one of the videos that has 13 million views on YouTube, Channel “Petit Afro Official”, this made me see and believe that when we want something badly we can achieve it.

Being far away from Angola and Portugal, how have you been keeping yourself updated in relation to new trends and sounds that you might compose?

I am the kind of artist that gets inspired a lot when he is inside the studio… in fact I keep myself updated by keeping in touch with many artists on an international level! And this has helped me a lot to not lose the rhythm and ability to write good songs.

Where do you want to go? How do you see yourself in 2 years?

Honestly I want to one day be one of the biggest artists in the world! and in 2 years I see myself possibly where I want to be.

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